Counselling in later life 65+:
If you know me, you know I love a podcast!
My latest podcast on my morning walk was All In The Mind, BBC with Claudia Hammond: 15 November 2023. At 13:19 mins - Counselling In Later Life.
I haven’t been explicit on my website that I work a lot with the older generation. This can be a specialist area that needs a particular skill set; just like anyone working with under 16s.
It is not befriending. It is focussed entirely on the client and supports a client to find meaning in their life, a sense of self, purpose and legacy. As Alan said in the Podcast “The help from a professional, helped him find a way forward”.
Issues can include broken relationships, issues from a life-lived, fear of death and even living with forms of dementia will benefit from counselling.
The retired generation can often be over looked for counselling support or feel that it is not for them, as they have never been offered it before in their life; despite coping with all that life throws their way.
If you are an older person, do think about private counselling. If you are supporting a loved one or friend, they might benefit from one to one support allowing you to remain a loved one, relative or friend.
Face to face home visits are available too, as I know that not all older people have access to cars and they may be nervous about travelling away from home.
Enquire with me - together we can open up the wonderful world of counselling to our amazing older generation.
Photo is mine showing Frost Moon at 8.30 am and autumn trees - representing the autumn years in life.